Monday-Friday: 6:00am-9:00pm | Saturday: 7:00am-3:00pm | Sunday: 8:00am-3:00pm



• Classes are first come first serve, Participants must obtain a class pass from the front desk in order to participate. Classes are FREE to Pav YMCA members ages 16+, and there’s a $6 per class drop-in fee for guests who would like to participate in GX classes. Drop-in classes will only be open for classes that are not at full capacity for that day. There is a maximum of 25 participants per class. 


Classes Formats and Descriptions

FITNESS IS LIFE #FIL: New to working out? Are you looking for additional workout ideas to help jump start or restart your fitness goals? Fitness is Life #FIL is designed for the health seeker, active older adult, or sedentary lifestyle that is looking to getting into a consistent workout regimen. You will meet with one of our #FIL coaches to assess your health goals, give you a machine orientation, and help you design a workout based on your fitness goals.

BOOT CAMP:  Strength, resistance, and interval training are all used to keep your muscles guessing through this workout. Bring on the sweat as you shape it up! 

CARDIO BLAST: This class is a form of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which incorporates short intervals of workouts proceeded by levels: cardio and core emphasis with some strength training, burning up to 800 calories per class, and boosting metabolism. 

INDOOR CYCLING: This class is a great cardiovascular workout. Pedal through hill climbs, sprints, and many other challenging drills and exercises. All levels are welcome.

INTERVAL TRAINING Open to all experience levels, this class is a rigorous interval training sequence with high-intensity exercises. The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow dance moves that tone and sculpt the body. 

YOGA: This class covers the basic background of the ancient practices of traditional Yoga, including standing, forward bends, simple backward bending, twists, and resting poses. Breathing and mind-centering techniques will also be worked on. Appropriate for all skill levels from the beginner yogis to the those continuing to refine their practice. 

ZUMBA:This dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system incorporates international music and dance movements burning up to 700 calories per class! It’s so motivating and fun, you won’t even realize you are working out! 



For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact:

Raj Waller

Senior Program Director

708.749.0606 ext. 320